Piceau – Insight

Photo d'une statuette d'un chat chinois tenant une tablette. Il est assis sur une pierre.

Album: Piceau

Label: EHBinTheKitchen

Release date: October 1st, 2023

   Piceau is the direct follow-up of Lo-Fi Stop (Bedroom Edition) and the album Die Soon / Live Forever. This single was made between Automn 2022 and the beginning of 2023, I started writing it after a few months of non-productivity linked to the end of the production of Die Soon / Live Forever.

   It was important for me to close myself again, inside the comfort and universe of lo-fi music, after I explored the outside world in Die Soon / Live Forever. This confinement allowed me to improve my skills, to use my voice in a different way and to explore another language, I obviously didn’t speak French before.

   In this single of 3 tracks, I explore emotions linked to melancholia, solitude, and nostalgia.

   The first track, Piceau, is a lo-fi one. It helped me reexplore with a new emotional and technical approach lo-fi / hip-hop music, so dear to my heart.

   The second track, Solitude, is a song with English Pop influences, a clever blend of the love of hip-hop and the lyricism of Ed Sheeran.

   The third track, Vagues, is a French rap song, the first one I’ve done. I’ve always wanted to make one, and even if it doesn’t mean I’m gonna do another one in the future, I think it was necessary for me to use this musical genre, this particular way of posing my voice, to be able to express certain things I couldn’t have otherwise.